Channel: Active questions tagged trees - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
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Upside-down syntax trees for linguistics with horizontal lines

I know that syntax analysis can be done in Latex using using TikZ, but the tree-structure that produces isn't really used in my country. Here, we mostly use straight lines instead of hierarchy...

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Fix the stemma codicum (forest tree)

I created the following tree in LaTex using the forest package. However, there are still a couple of things that I cannot manage to fix. Could you please help me? Thank you in...

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Tier in Forest tree- how to align properly

I've create this tree in LaTex using the package forest. However, I cannot understand why the command tier doesn't work properly. I should have F, P, D and R align on the same line and M, S and L on a...

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How to align nodes using forest package, tikz tier

I've created the following tree using the forest package. However I cannot understand how to align m,n,S,F and L. I used a previous question (Tier in Forest tree- how to align properly) to try to fix...

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Length of branches in forest (LaTex)

I've written this tree using the Forest package. The output is perfect, but I don't understand why in order to increase the length of the branch connecting r, I had to write [h, l=2] and not [r, l=2]....

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Copy the Merge sort recursion tree from tikz example with forest package

I'm trying to explain the execution time of an algorithm and I'm using the forest as a package to drawing tree, and with this post, I'm asking if is possible to draw the same tree in the figure below...

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Aligning Paths Coming from Single Node in Forest

So, I am fairly new to using Forest, and I'm finding it rather difficult to wrap my head around the package. I'm currently trying to make a tree with paths that curve towards the horizontal when moving...

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How do I create a prooftree with aligned indices for modal logic formulas?

This is my first question on TeX.SE.I need to typeset several dozen modal logic trees; unlike typical first-order trees these require an additional index to indicate worlds in the model.Here is a...

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How can we draw a Christmas tree with decorations, using TikZ?

I would like to use TikZ for drawing a christmas tree. Here's a start, I used the lindenmayersystems library for drawing a...

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Paint the tree with the following design

I know that is better to report some code to help the community to understand what is my problem, but I need to reproduce the following Figure, with the array reported belowI want refactoring my actual...

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Typesetting tree with groups of nodes

How can I create a tree in which some of nodes are in groups so there is no space in between them and only one arrow connects parent and whole group, but I can still add child nodes (of the same style)...

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tikz - reproducing tree / diagram from spreadsheet

How can I reproduce diagram from screenshots below using TikZ (in version with arrows or curly brackets)? I've tried creating tree in TikZ using split rectangle nodes, but I couldn't add children to...

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Horizontal hierarchy tree with group labels (labeled hierarchy)

My question is very similar to that of this question, however I am trying to add the group labels like this and this. I found that this question has group labels similar to what I am after, but am...

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Fix overlap Decision Tree

Can please help me in fixing the overlap in the decision tree.Can you suggest a better code?\documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone}\usepackage{tikz} \tikzset{treenode/.style = {shape=rectangle, rounded...

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Paint different path on the tree with forest package

I need to paint a different path on the tree to figure two different situations that happen on the tree.In particular, I'm able to figure the travers tree with a forest, as the figure below, and this...

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How to add children to previously-declared nodes using TikZ?

Here is a simple TikZ tree:\begin{tikzpicture} \node {root} child {node {left}} child {node {right} child {node {child}} child {node {child}} };\end{tikzpicture}In this example, the children are...

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Tree with lines in latex [duplicate]

How can i input this on latex? I tried but the space is too hard to input and also the line is hard to...

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Unbalanced binary tree with forest

How can one draw an unbalanced binary tree - with missing nodes using the forest package?

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Why are lines appearing away from TikZ graph?

I'm trying to connect the ends of child nodes in TikZ. The lines form the correct shape (it should look like a triangle), but they are appearing weirdly displaced. I want the lines to connect the...

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How to create trees with Qtree and math symbols

Hi I am trying to create a tree with two branches R<1 , R>1, which are labeled by math symbols (indices, \leq, ...). The second branch must be developed further. This almost...

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